Thursday, September 23, 2010

Predestination first 2 paragraphs

Predestination is a word that most people do not like to hear. The word predestination means to be chosen before hand or pre determined. The pro-or-id'zo is a Greek word that is used in many verses of the Bible. Some examples are: Romans 8:28 “who have been called,” Acts 13:48 “who were appointed for eternal life,” and John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you.” These are just a few verses that support the idea of predestination so we will believe it completely true just for a moment.

God chooses who goes to heaven and hell before they are even born. It says in Psalm 139:16 that “all the days ordained for me were written in you book before one of them came to be.” Nothing we do can change that we are going somewhere that we may not want to go to. If God is doing this then a question we may want to ask is, is God ‘good’ if he is sending people to hell and making people do ‘bad’ things?


  1. I need to do a lot more work on it. I forgot to talk to Wa and Ed about the best definition for predestination but ill get on that :)

  2. Sam- You have a great start. I think you should have a little more commentary in between your Bible quotes. I have never thought as God sending people to hell. I look forward to see the finished paper.
