Monday, January 3, 2011

Nature Walk 12/30/10

Lincoln Park, Seattle WA. 2:36 pm
clear blue sky
freezing cold
Beautiful mountains, I can see them so well that it seems that I should be standing right next to them. They look amazing with their snow covered tops. My little camera can't quite capture the detail and the beauty of the mountains but I have never seen them this magnificent. I've walked along the upper path but still close enough to the shore to see the view once in awhile. I'm sitting enjoying the view and nature's music instead of my own. I've seen a couple runners, one sprinter, and many people with their dogs. A German Shepherd tried to attack me, I can see why they have them as police dogs. I saw a man engrossed with his cell phone and thought what was the point of him taking a walk to see a great view when all he looked at was his phone. I was greeted by an old man and his dog as they sat down to enjoy the view, right where I was also sitting. A mother of two walked by carrying one of them because the one was crying. I sat there and thought of how peaceful it was, how all of the daily stress was gone and didn't even cross my mind until I returned home. I sat there wanting to stay in that moment, not wanting to let go and go on with life with all its stressfulness. I would like to do that again, but possibly longer than just an hour.

Hamlet Video

It was a little hard to find a Hamlet video but I eventually got one. It was a modern day version with Ethan Hawke playing as Hamlet, Kyle Mclachlan as Claudius, Diane Venora as Gertrude, Bill Murray as Polonius, Liev Schreiber as Laertes, and Julia Stiles as Ophelia. I was a little surprised to see actors that I recognized in this film version of Hamlet. When it started out in the first scene it was only Hamlet by himself talking, then it went on to a press conference with Claudius and Gertrude announcing their marriage and how well the Denmark Corporation was doing. It displayed very well the love between Gertrude and Claudius as sensual and nothing more. Might has well called them friend with benefits. I can see how Hamlet would have been disgusted as an older couple displayed they love with too many kisses and a lot of not needed touching. It also portrayed the love between Hamlet and Ophelia very well. In that they loved each other but it was very easy to see that Laertes and Polonius did not approve of it in anyway. Both of the men would grab her and direct her away from Hamlet and showed disapproving faces when she would show notes to Hamlet of when they could meet by themselves. It was funny that they would do that even in front of Hamlet especially considering that he out ranked them being heir to Denmark Corporations. However, Hamlet didn't seem phased at all by this but I couldn't tell if it was because he was depressed and feeling withdrawn or because he knew his place and wouldn't let them bother him. When I first saw that it was a modern day version I immediately thought of how the dialogue would be done. I wondered how much of the original script would be kept and how much would be changed to modern speech. I found out that they kept most of the original script especially the beautiful flow of Shakespeare but mainly changed the thee's and thou's. Unfortunately that basically ruined the movie. It all sounded poetic but it looked and felt as if they were just saying what they had memorized. They said their lines with not a lot of feelings and when you watch a modern day film you usually expect modern day English but since it wasn't modern day English it felt very weird. It was almost as if I was watching a dress recital but not the actual movie. This completely ruined it and I decided to not watch they whole thing as they ruined speech after speech. It was horrible as I already knew the story of Hamlet and had read the original script. I have seen parts of Hamlet movies that weren't modern versions of it which were portrayed very well and acted very well. So at the end I'll just keep to reading Shakespeare.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beowulf Response Thingy

*Beowulf says, "Fate saves the living when they drive away death by themselves"
Beowulf mainly does all the work while his men help a little bit once in a while. God does nothing for him throughout the story. It is mainly Beowulf, his strength, and his chain mail shirt that do all the work. We determine what happens to us, God usually intervenes at times that we wouldn't want him to intervene. Fate and God only determine where we will be when we die (heaven or hell). All the in between stuff is made by us. God is usually just a watch maker type of god. Lets it run by itself while checking on it once in a while to make sure it is keeping time. I win because of all the effort and the training that I have done. Fate doesn't save us, we save ourselves in daily situations not in the salvation term.
*got kinda random right about here
God comes to help when I don't want him but when I feel I really need him, he is nowhere to be found.

We must be men of action, take hold of life instead of life taking hold of us. We mustn't sit around and do nothing rather we should be doing something of value.

It is better for a Christian to challenge their faith instead of not growing at all. If he stays the same then he never learns more about God or loves God more but is instead an insult to Him because he does nothing about his faith. God spits out the lukewarm so I would rather be completely with God or completely against God.

Oh God where art thou, where art thou?
I need you now, I need you now.
Oh God where art thou, where art thou?
It is too late now, oh it is too late now
For you to come save me now.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Personality Test


Inventors begin building gadgets and mechanisms as young children, and never really stop, though as adults they will turn their inventiveness to many kinds of organizations, social as well as mechanical. There aren't many Inventors, say about two percent of the population, but they have great impact on our everyday lives. With their innovative, entrepreneurial spirit, Inventors are always on the lookout for a better way, always eyeing new projects, new enterprises, new processes. Always aiming to "build a better mousetrap."-->Inventors are keenly pragmatic, and often become expert at devising the most effective means to accomplish their ends. They are the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that's the way they have been done. As a result, they often bring fresh, new approaches to their work and play. They are intensely curious and continuously probe for possibilities, especially when trying to solve complex problems. Inventors are filled with ideas, but value ideas only when they make possible actions and objects. Thus they see product design not as an end in itself, but as a means to an end, as a way of devising the prototype that works and that can be brought to market. Inventors are confident in their pragmatism, counting on their ability to find effective ways and means when they need them, rather than making a detailed blueprint in advance. A rough idea is all they need to feel ready to proceed into action.

I don't comletely agree. This is the second time I took it and its a lot different than the first. I have no idea what i did differently.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Predestination first 2 paragraphs

Predestination is a word that most people do not like to hear. The word predestination means to be chosen before hand or pre determined. The pro-or-id'zo is a Greek word that is used in many verses of the Bible. Some examples are: Romans 8:28 “who have been called,” Acts 13:48 “who were appointed for eternal life,” and John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you.” These are just a few verses that support the idea of predestination so we will believe it completely true just for a moment.

God chooses who goes to heaven and hell before they are even born. It says in Psalm 139:16 that “all the days ordained for me were written in you book before one of them came to be.” Nothing we do can change that we are going somewhere that we may not want to go to. If God is doing this then a question we may want to ask is, is God ‘good’ if he is sending people to hell and making people do ‘bad’ things?

Sunday, September 19, 2010